and other forms of technology instead of actual teaching. I believe that technology is a great tool to assist and add to learning. Our primary goal as teachers is to have our students learn. Sometimes the use of technology can prevent learning, because students become overwhelmed. Technology is a great addition to the classroom because our world today is so tech savvy. Students are coming into school with far more knowledge of technology that teachers do. Just traditional teaching is not enough, students need to be engaged and technology is a way to do that. There are several tools on the Internet that can be included in lessons to further the learning. Technology with a Smart Board is one way to get students engaged. They can move around and write on the board or answer questions on an interactive site. I have also seen students learning math facts then go to a computer lab and use a website that has math games that correspond with the lesson. This will engage the students and help reinforce the concept learned in the class. Technology is a good addition to learning, but I do not think should be the only way of instruction. I do think that today's teachers need to become more technologically literate in order to serve the current needs in the classroom. Students respond better to technology because their world is immersed in it.
- Some different uses of technology in the classroom are:
- Smart Board
- Power Point
- Prezi
- Computers
- Laptops
- Tablets
- interactive websites
- blogs
- wikis
- videos
- kindles/nook
- projectors