Podcasts are audio or video files using RSS that are prepared and distributed to subscribed users. These files can be shared across the web or on a MP3 player. Podcasts are easily becoming one of the newest trends of communication. One can easily download a podcast and take it anywhere they would like. Podcasts can be visual, strictly audio, or both.
Podcasts are great tools for teachers to use in their classrooms. Teachers can use podcasts as communication tools with the parents in their classroom. When I am a teacher, if I know I have a tech savy group of parents I may try to use podcasts for daily updates. I can explain to the parents how the podcasting works at the beginning of the year and then hope they use this tool. Also in my classroom, I may choose to use podcasts as additions to my lessons. Students can listen to them for homework and have schema for what I want to do for the next day. Or I may try the flip teaching and use podcasts as my lessons at home and help students with homework and projects in class. I will also use other professionals podcasts to learn and improve my teaching or my classroom.
Podcasts can be helpful or nonbeneficial to a classroom depending on the use of them. Some cons of podcasting is that it takes away the personal touch of teaching or communicating with parents. Video podcasts still do not count. Podcasts also can take time for teachers to create and some parents/students will not even tune in to listen to them. Podcasts do have pros as well. Podcasts are great supplements to teaching in a classroom. Other teaching professionals may have created great podcasts that you students may benefit from listening to. Podcasts are also like DVR. A student, parent, or teacher can go back and listen to a podcast several times. This can help learners who need to hear the material more than once. Podcasts are great additions to the classroom depending on the use intended.
I agree... I like the idea of using podcasts to flip a classroom. And I think that many students can benefit from the fact that they can re-play a podcast.